Simplify your shipping and costs by signing up for our free shipping service. Our distribution centers provide one day shipping coverage to nearly every area across our territory. Get your products simply and quickly with DOW Smart Ship. Parcel items ship for free and LTL shipments have a low $45 charge.

We know that time is money, and you can't drop everything to run out and pick up a part. Next time you find yourself on the job and needing a last minute part, know that DOW Smart Courier has you covered for same day delivery. 12Volt Customers — please note that Smart Courier requires a minimum order value.
Smart Services subscribers will now receive a credit on account to help cover the freight for authorized return shipments. We want to make dealing with defective products as simple as possible, and that includes the cost you pay to get the defective products back to DOW. For approved defective product returns, subscribers will receive a $15 credit for parcel shipments and a $100 credit for LTL shipments.

Members can take advantage of exclusive savings opportunities that add incredible value to the program. Look out for additional savings on top of advertised promotions. These exclusive savings are automatically applied for Smart Services members and can add up to well above the cost of the program.
Free marketing and graphic design support is available to Smart Services members. Get free design support for logos, custom flyers, ads, vehicle wraps and much more as part of the service, Our experienced team will enhance the way your brand looks and help you drive leads. Check out the social ads that are available to you now — 12Volt and Custom Integration.